Kiloware and Special Stamps
100+ countries and 50+ regions

We serve stamp collectors and dealers with kiloware and special stamps direct from our postal hubs in Germany, Korea, United Kingdom and USA. Singles, blocks, bulk or per ton. Everything from artist stamps works, essays, black prints, proofs, progressive proofs to specimens. If you so prefer, imperforated stamps, booklets, coil stamps, overprinted, official stamps, postal stationery, semi-postals, se-tenant, test stamps, emergency stamps, school stamps, triangulars, complete sheets, uncut sheets, unissued stamps or forgeries. Also errors as inverted print, misperforated, colour and paper errors plus more.

PostLynx Kiloware offerings are from over 100 countries and are categorized by Kiloware Whole World, Countries, Regions, England, and Germany. We also offer several different Kiloware categories such as the Stampbag, the Goldbag, the Missionbag, and so on. These bag types signify the different levels of quality of the Kiloware. All of our Kiloware products are sealed and red tagged to ensure that you receive exactly the quality that you order.

While it is true that PostLynx has a large selection of KILOWARE, we also pride ourselves in bringing you one of the best and widest selections of Proofs, Imperfs, and other .Special Stamps. We also believe that we offer some of the most unique, and often one of a kind, stamps. As with our Kiloware products, our Proofs, Imperfs, and other Special Stamps, are categorized by country. This is intended to make your search for those specific Proofs and Imperfs that much easier.

Whether you are looking for KILOWARE, Proofs, Imperfs, or some other category of special stamps, be sure to take a look at all PostLynx has to offer. We feel that you will be pleased with what you see. Enjoy your visit and do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or suggestions concerning our site. We are here to serve you.

Searching for kiloware? PostLynx has the best selection of kiloware stamps ?
You like kiloware. We also like kiloware stamps.
Best in kiloware. We think PostLynx has the best kiloware stamps.
More categories of kiloware. PostLynx offers five different categories of kiloware stamps. Kiloware from more countries. PostLynx has kiloware stamps from over 100 countries.

If you want a better scan for a specific stamp, contact us !
Discounts closed KILOWARE-off paper: 5%
KILOWARE-on paper: 5%
Proofs: 4%
Imperforated: 5%


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Switchboard: UK 020 8133 7900 USA (774) 221-7300
  Australia (02) 8006 4400 Hong Kong 8192 5700

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Philatelic Dictionary
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- Elija un palabra para encuentre las sellos especiales !
- Wählen Sie ein Wort und finden Sie spezielle Briefmarken !
- Choisissez un mot et trouvez les timbres spéciaux ! Philatelic Dictionary
- Scelga una parola e trovi i bolli speciali !
- Kies een woord en vind speciale postzegels !

Dictionary Dictionnaire Wörterbuch Diccionario Dizionario Woordenboek
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Kiloware-off paper
kiloware stamps kiloware stamps kiloware stamps kiloware stamps kiloware stamps

Kiloware-on paper
kiloware stamps kiloware stamps kiloware stamps kiloware stamps kiloware stamps
Kiloware Worlds largest assortment of kiloware - kilowaar.
Sorted by country, regions or speciality in different quality categories.
Here are the KILOWARE categories:

The Top Kiloware category is the    StampBag.
Contains almost only large and commemorative stamps.

The Medium Kiloware category is the    MissionBag.
Contains a good mix of stamps, definitives and commemoratives.

The Low Kiloware category is the    DjungleBag.
Contains what is sorted out. Almost only definitive stamps. Good for bundles, searching for varieties and post marks Or for Papier marché and Stamp Art.

The Specialized Kiloware category is the    GoldBag.
Contain a specialized group of stamps. Like only high values , only semi-postals or only christmas stamps etc.

The Lazy kiloware category is the    LazyBag.
Contain stamps OFF PAPER.

proof stamps  proof stamps  proof stamps  proof stamps  proof stamps

If you want a Stamp Expert Certificate for a specific stamp, contact us !

From 1 cent per stamp.

Choose the stamps you like from our popular off paper ReturnPacks
stamp mixtures and return the rest. Or keep all for an extra small fee.

2500 WORLD STAMPS off paper. MissionBag Quality.
Choose 1000 stamps and return the rest. Post Paid all world.

2500 WESTERN EUROPE STAMPS off paper. StampBag Quality.
Choose 1000 stamps and return the rest. Post Paid all world.

2500 BR.COMMONWEALTH STAMPS off paper. MissionBag Quality.
Choose 1000 stamps and return the rest. Post Paid all world.

Quality and Guarantee All stamps are unhinged MINT, except kiloware.
Neuf sans charnière Postfrisch - Nuovo - Nuevo - Postfris ohne Plakker
All kiloware bags are sealed.
The RED LABEL guarantees that 'quality matches category'.


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KILOWARE-off paper Price Range Search
1.00 - 19.99 20.00 - 49.99 50.00 - 99.99

100.00 - 249.99 250.00 - 999.99 1000.00 - 10000.00
KILOWARE-on paper Price Range Search
1.00 - 19.99 20.00 - 49.99 50.00 - 99.99

100.00 - 249.99 250.00 - 999.99 1000.00 - 10000.00
SPECIAL STAMPS Price Range Search
1.00 - 19.99 20.00 - 49.99 50.00 - 99.99

100.00 - 249.99 250.00 - 999.99 1000.00 - 10000.00
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97.000 special stamps in stock.

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